2022 Australian Government Landcare Farming Award
Sylvia Leighton & Peter McKenzie
“Revegetating Wilyun Pools Farm has taught us how much easier it has become to farm sustainably- if we can do it, others can do it too! It’s exciting to be in a new chapter for agriculture where being ecologically friendly is commercially valuable and commercially relevant. Wilyun Pools Farm is a testament to our whole community including Landcare WA, Southcoast NRM, Green Skills and the Noongar Elders, who have supported our work to restore health to this precious, biodiverse part of the planet.” Sylvia Leighton, Wilyun Pools Farm Owner.
Dynamic sustainable farming duo Sylvia Leighton and Peter McKenzie are the winners of the 2022 Australian Government Landcare Farming award for their work on Wilyun Pools Farm, a 1214ha property near Wellstead on the south coast of Western Australia.
Using their wealth of scientific knowledge and experience in biology, ecology, community landcare and soil science, Sylvia and Peter have transformed Wilyun Pools Farm into locally recognised haven for biodiversity. The highly productive farm now boasts thriving wildlife corridors connecting to the remnant bush comprised of Kwongan shrubland, Swamp banksia, and Yate woodland communities.