Cooloola Coastcare Association Inc – QLD

Formed in 2001 to implement foreshore management plans along the coast, the Cooloola Coastcare Association (CCA) works to protect the region’s Ramsar Wetlands. Over the last six years, CCA has coordinated diverse activities including the monitoring of 18 seagrass sites throughout the southern Great Sandy Strait (GSS); a Foreshore Flora survey for Gympie Council to inform their Environment Strategy; regular marine debris removal and audits across the region, supporting government initiatives to reduce litter. CCA’s Waterwatch monitoring of 21 sites informs water quality guidelines by providing consistent data and the impact of urban stormwater runoff. Revive Our Creeks raised much awareness about coastal catchment management, while the Cooloola Underwater Biodiversity Assessment documented for the first time GSS marine biodiversity. CCA have produced many informative booklets, brochures and tide tables. CCA’s liaison with schools and Gympie’s STEM hub initiative has also supported environmental education about the GSS.

Cooloola Coastcare Association Inc Case Study