Tamar Island Wetland CARes Volunteer Group – TAS

The Tamar Island Wetlands Centre (TIWC) CARes Volunteer Group is a branch of Wildcare Inc. and operates the Tamar Island Wetlands Centre, in Riverside, with support from a part-time centre coordinator on behalf of the Tasmanian Parks and Wildlife Service. The group has been successfully operating the centre since it opened in November 2000 and now welcomes over 38,000 visitors annually. The 26 members of the volunteer team primarily provide visitor and educational information, focusing on a range of environmental topics, including wetlands ecology, wetlands fauna and flora and the pest fish, Gambusia holbrooki. The volunteer team provide in excess of 5,500 volunteer hours annually to the TIWC and the community as a first point of contact in interpreting these unique wetlands.

TAS Tamar Island Wetland CARes Volunteer Group Case Study