Wandoon Estate Aboriginal Corporation – VIC

Wandoon Estate Aboriginal Corporation represents the Wurundjeri people, the Indigenous owners of the historical property “Coranderrk” in the Yarra Valley. Set up as an Aboriginal Reserve in 1863, Coranderrk closed in 1924. The Port Phillip and Westernport Catchment Management Authority (PPWCMA) partnered with Wandoon Estate to restore environmental health and productivity to the farm. A farm consultant is now mentoring the Indigenous owners in farm management techniques, including productive beef cattle grazing, habitat restoration, and waterway management and protection. 10.6 hectares have been revegetated, with 19,600 plants planted. Fencing has been erected to protect waterways and enable stock rotation, cordoning off roughly 5305 metres, and 27.5 hectares of weed control has been undertaken.

Wandoon Estate Aboriginal Corporation Case Study