2019 Australian Community Media Landcare Community Group Award – NSW

2019 ACM Award Winners for NSW
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Martindale Creek Catchment Landcare

“Receiving the Award was beyond exciting. The recognition the Award gives to our work reinforces the importance of our community cohesiveness and of working together with our Partners to do something real (#dosomethingreal) for our landholders. While the few work the hardest, it is the support of those behind you in the background that provide the boost to keep going and bring results on-ground to the community.”

Since 2015, Martindale Creek Catchment Landcare (MCCL) members have tackled the overwhelming problem of weed infestations in the already well-vegetated valley, in particular the poisonous Green Cestrum, (Cestrum parqui), preventing livestock fatality in a pocket of the Upper Hunter Valley region. Stock deaths from ingestion of this weed were common and amplified by prevailing drought conditions. The emerging problems with Coolatia grass, (Hyparrhenia hirta), St. John’s Wort, (Hypericum perforatum) and Honey Locust, (Gleditsia triacanthos), were also seen as high priority.