2019 Australian Government Innovation in Agriculture Landcare Award – NSW

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Land to Market

“The National Landcare award provides recognition for our unique and innovative project that will help many more farmers and land managers to improve the environment. Monitoring (along with analysis and reporting) to gauge the trends in the hugely complex natural environment is problematic, and our unique approach through Ecological Outcome Verification, provides robust assurance for all stakeholders.” – Tony Hill, Land to Market

Land to Market Australia has been developed by a group of more than 30 farmers who are interested to monitor the ecological health of their farmland. They established a new rural co-operative in 2018 as the governing structure for Land to Market Australia, called the Australian Holistic Management Co-operative Limited. They have adopted the Savory Institute process of Ecological Outcome Verification (EOV) as a tool for monitoring and verifying the ecological health of their primary production land, which continues to be involved in agricultural production.

EOV is a world-first approach to cost-effective verification of ecological health that can provide robust results while being implemented at a large scale across agriculture. It provides the foundation for Land to Market Australia to operate as a brand that allows effective communication across the whole community including businesses and consumers, allowing them to choose to spend their money in a way that supports ecological health and biodiversity.