2021 Coastcare Award – WA

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Busselton Jetty Inc.

Busselton Jetty Inc. is delighted to receive the Coastcare Award for our efforts in marine conservation at the recent WA Landcare Awards. Whilst we have been advocating for many decades to save the Busselton Jetty, we now need to ensure the health and vibrancy of the surrounding nearby marine environment.” said Busselton Jetty’s Environment Manager Sophie Teede. “We understand that without nature, there is little else, and through positively changing everyday actions and conversations, we inspire people to become marine environment stewards.” Busselton Jetty Environment Manager Sophie Teede, WA Coastcare Award Finalist.

Busselton Jetty Inc. has taken on the lofty goal to educate and inspire as many people as it can to be stewards for our wondrous marine environment.

In 1978, a small group of passionate community members worked to save the Busselton Jetty from demolition and making its heritage secure. Busselton Jetty Inc. now aspires to be a leader of conservation by protecting and conserving the land and marine environments surrounding the Jetty and Geographe Bay through marine conservation and education. Busselton Jetty Inc.’s purpose is ‘Saving the Jetty’ for future generations, and has a vision to be recognised as leaders of marine conservation in a world-class environment by educating and inspiring people to become marine environment stewards through positively changing their everyday actions and conversations.