2021 KPMG Indigenous Land Management Award – QLD

group accepting award
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Laura Indigenous Land and Sea Rangers

“This award recognises all the rangers over the years, past and present, who have worked so hard to look after their country and culture.” Susan Marsh, Ranger Coordinator for Laura Indigenous Land and Sea Rangers, and QLD KPMG Indigenous Land Management Award Finalist.

The Laura Indigenous Land and Sea Rangers are Traditional Owners for the Laura area located in far north Queensland. Guided by community Elders, the group has undertaken on ground works to protect country and culture in the Quinkan Country National Heritage area since 2010. The group employs three male and three female rangers ranging in age from an Elder to recent school graduates who manage Aboriginal freehold and leasehold country, an area that totals 2,143 square kilometres. The group was initially tasked with documenting the estimated 10,000 rock art sites surrounding the township of Laura and develop conservation management plans to better understand how sites connect within the landscape.