NationalConference2021_FieldTrips_Koalas_Hawkesbury 3

This tour will provide you with an opportunity to meet an amazing group of private landholders who are volunteering a significant amount of time to restore crucial koala habitat on their properties in the Little Wheeny Creek catchment near Kurrajong. Hear and see how neighbouring landholders have banded together to form their own Landcare group after learning about the role they could play to conserve and restore a connected corridor of valuable koala habitat.

Meet local koala rescuers and researchers from WIRES and Science for Wildlife who will talk about their koala rescue program during the black summer fires and the ongoing recovery and care of the koalas using the bushland. Enjoy locally sourced produce for lunch on a small farm with a bird’s-eye view of the koala corridor. The final stop for this tour is Bilpin “Land of the Mountain Apple” where you will enjoy a cider tasting at the award-winning Hillbilly Cider cellar door.

This field trip includes:

Catering: Morning tea and lunch will be supplied by a local caterer.

Transport: The coach will depart from the International Convention Centre at 7.30am and will take approximately 1.5 hours to get to Kurrajong which is Stop 1 on the itinerary. The same coach will take you to all other stops in the Kurrajong / Bilpin area, returning to the International Convention Centre by 4.30pm where you are welcome to join other conference delegates at the complementary Welcome Drinks.