Peter Watton – SA

Peter Watton has been involved in Landcare as a volunteer and staff member since 2000. Beginning his career in the financial sector and coming to Landcare later in life, his knowledge of bush regeneration techniques, native and pest plant identification and safe chemical handling quickly won him respect in the industry. As well as helping co-ordinate volunteers across over 300 Bush For Life (BFL) sites in his role at Trees For Life (TFL), Peter continues to volunteer himself, carrying out bush regeneration at four BFL sites in his own time, as well as assisting in restoration work and bird banding at Scott Creek Conservation Park. Peter also works tirelessly to contain the spread of needlegrass in the Scott Creek area, contributes to Malleefowl mound monitoring and Orange-bellied Parrot and Australasian Bittern surveys, and tends his own patch of heritage mallee bushland near Swan Reach on the River Murray.

Peter Watton Case Study